Wednesday, June 10, 2020

4 Simple Steps to Going Smoke -Free!

Now more than ever, we understand protecting your bottom line AND the health and safety of your employees and customers. Secondhand smoke has been identified as a risk factor for susceptibility to cornonovirus because of the demonstrative impact with diminished lung function and associated risk of respiratory illness. We recommend 4 easy steps that you can take TODAY to make your business or home smoke-free:

  1. Create your policy- whether written as part of a lease or employee handbook, create a policy that clarifies your space as 100% smoke-free indoors, including but not limited to the use of any type of product:cigarettes, cigars, e-cigarettes, hookahs and marijuana. Remember, smoking sections and ventilation systems do not effectively remove the risk factors of secondhand smoke.
  2. Communicate the policy- send a message in advance to all residents, employees and customers that have now adopted a smoke-free policy for the health of everyone. Social media is a great way to engage with your audience and provide and outlet for questions or concerns.
  3. Post signage- the vast majority of US adults (87%!) are nonsmokers which eases enforcement of the policy. Removing ashtrays and posting signs that indicate that the establishment is smoke-free helps let everyone know how to comply.
  4. Enjoy the benefits- smoke-free air protects the health and safety of workers along with those who have respiratory and cardiovascular illness. Smoke-free air will help keep the air safe and welcoming in hospitality and entertainment workplaces for everyone.

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