Thursday, December 17, 2020

 RE-POST: From Trinkets & Trash surveillance newsletter

Keeping cool with change: The infamous “No Bull” brand Winston has come out with its first menthol cigarette, as seen advertised in magazines. They’ve kept their product fresh and different from competitors by ensuring that these cigarettes are made with “100% plant-based menthol.” The nicotine pouch product Dryft announced to consumers via email that they have now been rebranded and can be found as Velo MAX products, owned by RJR. Swisher sent out an email with heartfelt thanks to fans for understanding that COVID has slowed down production for certain blends – but not to worry, they are sating soldiers, the eagle, and the flag. Fans could go vote on the brand website for their favorite. Contact us at - We’re also active on Twitter! Follow us at: @trinketsantrash