Monday, March 29, 2021


Thursday April 1st 2021 is campaign for tobacco free kids national take down tobacco day of action. Join them in a comedic ROAST OF BIG TOBACCO live at 7pm. Link here.
For far too long tobacco companies have "fooled" people into using their addictive products. Don't be a fool- learn about their marketing tactics and take a stand by going to 

Friday, March 12, 2021


CDC Celebrates 10 Years of Tips From Former Smokers®  



CDC’s Office on Smoking and Health (OSH) announces the launch of the 2021Tips From Former Smokers® (Tips®) campaign. Now entering its 10th year, the campaign profiles real people living with serious long-term health effects from smoking and secondhand smoke exposure. The campaign also features compelling stories of the toll these smoking-related conditions have taken on family members. The campaign encourages people who smoke to call 1-800-QUIT-NOW for free help to quit. 


A new feature article on called, “10 Years of Tips,” shares how the campaign has inspired more than one million Americans to quit smoking cigarettes for good. It also includes useful resources, whether you are trying to quit or you’re supporting a loved one in their quit journey. A Spanish translation of the feature article will be available later this month.  



 Visit the Tips website for other helpful content, including:


     • Advice and support for your quit-smoking journey


     • Information on quit-smoking medicines and how to use them


     • How calling a quitline can make you more likely to quit smoking

    …and much, much more.


Quitting smoking is one of the most important steps you can take to improve your health. Whatever inspires you, there are more tools than ever to support you on your quest to quit.


For more facts, advice, and encouragement, follow @CDCTobaccoFree on Twitter and CDC Tobacco Free on Facebook.



Wednesday, March 3, 2021


Second hand Smoke exposure may affect children’s blood pressure


Children who are exposed to second hand tobacco smoke have a greater chance of having high blood pressure, according to a study published in JAMA Network Open (Marples, CNN, 2/25). Researchers found 6% of children who were exposed to tobacco smoke had high blood pressure compared with 4% of children who weren't exposed. Data was gathered from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey from 2007 to 2016. Of the 8,520 children ages 8 to 19 who were surveyed, 3,690, or 43%, had been exposed to tobacco smoke. Read the CNN article or read the study. (Article re-post from Interact for Health of Greater Cincinnati)

Monday, March 1, 2021

We Need your help!

Our main Call to Action for you is to call your senators’ office (just senators, not representatives).  We are at a super important point in the budget process and Senators are deciding what to include in their budget bill. For your Senate Calls, call (317) 232-9400. Ask to be connected to your State Senator. Reminder: if you need to check who your senator is, you can check that here

Here is a basic script for your calls. You may be asked for your address.

My name is _____ calling from (Insert hometown). I’m calling to ask Senator ______ to support raising the cigarette tax this year. It has been 14 years since it was last raised, and this is the best year possible to do it. The House Budget included a 50-cent increase, but based on evidence from Ohio and Kentucky, that’s just not enough to lower smoking rates and keep kids from accessing the products. Plus tobacco companies simply offer promotions and coupons to keep people buying. It also doesn’t generate much funding to address the health emergency facing the state. For years now, health and business groups have been united in asking for a $2.00 per pack increase, and I think that’s what is really needed based on how far behind our state is. So please take the opportunity to be a leader on this issue. Let’s move the cigarette tax forward in the Senate this year, but it has to be enough to make a difference for the health of the state. 50-cents just doesn’t measure up. Thank you!

Your support means so much! Thank you for being a partner in public health!