Monday, March 30, 2020

COVID-19 & Smoking/Vaping

As we know, tobacco use affects all parts of the body, especially the lungs. Smokers are at a greater risk for a myriad of chronic health conditions and are more susceptible respiratory diseases. It is just as important as ever before to keep tobacco cessation a priority.

The Indiana State Department of Health has included some information in this FAQ document. The document can be found on the home page under Recent Public Updates.
Below is a summary of what is included in the FAQ document:
Q. How does COVID-19 affect people who use tobacco products? Researchers and medical professionals are saying it is reasonable to assume that smoking, and possibly vaping, could increase the risk of developing serious adverse effects from the COVID-19.
  • In general, long-term smokers and e-cigarette users are at a heightened risk of developing chronic lung conditions. The CDC has said that those with serious underlying medical conditions, such as lung disease, heart disease and diabetes, may be at a higher risk from COVID-19.
  • Smoking and vaping have been shown to affect the lungs and the immune system, which strongly suggests that using these products increases the risk of infection and worse outcomes from COVID-19.
  • Experts are warning, based on current research, that people with compromised health due to smoking or vaping and people with opioid, methamphetamine, cannabis, and other substance use disorders could find themselves at increased risk of COVID-19 and its more serious complications.
  • With the global outbreak of COVID-19, now is the best time to quit tobacco use in order to keep your body resilient against disease. There are free resources available that Hoosiers can use in the comfort of their own home, including the Indiana Tobacco Quitline. Those who are ready to quit can call 1-800-Quit-Now for phone counseling, or by visiting for more information.
  • Young people interested in quitting vaping can text ‘Indiana’ to 88709 to enroll in the This Is Quitting text messaging program.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Quitting during the Pandemic

This may seem like too stressful of a time to try and quit smoking or vaping. The news about Coronavirus is overwhelming and isn't the most cheerful topic.  But there has really never been a better time. The Coronovirus- COVID-19- is a respiratory illness that can spread from person to person. Bellow are important fact sheets from the CDC about COVID-19 and how to take precautions. If you smoke or vape then your lungs are compromised and are at a higher risk for infection. This is why now is a great time to quit. You can get FREE help through the Indiana Quit line. These FREE services can be accessed via Web or cell phone. You get a free quit coach-hey that's a new friend you just made during the pandemic! You can get nicotine therapy products for FREE (gum, patches, inhaler) if you need them- hey more money for toilet paper! You also get a free Quit guide that will help you stick to your personal quit plan- Hey FREE activities to do during the pandemic! So while you are washing your hands and practicing social distancing to prevent COVID-19 you will also be healthier! You will come out of this pandemic nicotine free and COVID-19 free! Below you can check out these five alternatives to the handshake by the American Lung Association- a great way to say hi without passing those germs!