Friday, November 15, 2019

Nicotine- What is it really?

Nicotine is an addictive drug found in tobacco leaves that is extracted and added to products like: cigarettes, chew, cigars and vapes. Some vape devices use what is called a “pod” to house and deliver the aerosol containing flavorings and nicotine, like in the product JUUL, these can have nicotine amounts in equivalent to an entire pack of cigarettes.
Once inhaled, nicotine quickly enters the bloodstream, and causes the heart to beat faster and blood pressure to rise. Nicotine harms your blood vessels and can lead to an increased risk for heart attack and stroke. Young people will begin to experience a decrease in lung capacity and physical endurance.
 Nicotine is a neurotoxin- it poisons the developing brain. This is why it is so dangerous to children and young adults. It takes just seven seconds for nicotine to reach your brain and cause a chemical reaction in your brain and the rest of your body. This reaction sometimes causes a very short-lived feeling of relaxation. As short lived as they are- your brain connects a behavior to those feelings- this connection increases the odds that you will repeat the behavior thus leading to nicotine addiction.  
The human brain does not fully develop until the age of 25. Until then it is more sensitive to the effects of Nicotine. Use of Nicotine prior to this age damages the circuits that control attention and learning. This damage may lead to mood disorders and problems with impulse control. Even limited use of Nicotine can lead to damage to the young brain and increased risk of addiction not just to nicotine but other drugs as well.
There is no way to know just how fast nicotine addiction will happen since every person is totally different. Some of the symptoms of addiction may occur within the first few uses of vaping! Signs of nicotine addiction include but are not limited to:
·        Strong cravings to vape
·        Having a hard time concentrating at school or work because you want to vape
·        Feeling irritable, nervous or restless when you can’t vape
·        Not being able to stop- or cut back on vaping- even if you want to.
Quitting may seem like something you can’t do BUT YOU CAN DO IT! Pick a quit date, ask your friends and family to support you and sign up for cessation. Here are a few places where you can get help.
Web go to
Text “QUIT” to 706-222-quit        Call 1-800-QUIT-NOW

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